Summary of SIM’s Core Values (3D’s & 3C’s) 核心价值观-摘要

We are :

  • Dependent on God - We are people of prayer. We trust in our faithful God and affirm the truth of the Bible.

  • Diverse – We are one in Christ. We embrace, and are strengthened by, the international, interdenominational and multi-ethnic diversity of His church.

  • Disciples of Jesus who make disciples - We cross barriers to fulfil God’s global, urgent and unfinished mission.

  • Church-centred - We are part of Christ’s church and together we plant, nurture and equip churches.

  • Compassionate – We are people of love. We humbly offer compassionate, holistic service and eternal hope, through the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

  • Community – We live a life of integrity in obedience to God and in relationship with each other as we listen, learn, grow, and innovate together under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.


  • 倚靠上帝:我们是祷告的群体。我们相信三位一体的上帝,并确信圣经的真理。 

  • 多元团队:我们在基督里互为肢体。我们接受众教会的国际性、跨宗派和多民族的多样性,并得以互补与刚强。 

  • 成为门徒、建立门徒:我们跨越障碍,培训主的门徒,以实现普世的、迫切的及未完成的大使命。 

  • 以教会为中心:我们是基督教会肢体的一员。我们与众教会一起建立、栽培和装备教会。 

  • 以关怀为重心:我们是有爱心的群体。我们通过对耶稣基督的认识,谦卑地奉献富有爱心的整全服事及永恒的盼望。 

  • 以社群为一心:我们在顺服上帝和彼此的关系中过着正直的生活,并在圣灵的引导下,我们同心聆听、学习、成长和创新。 


We are God-dependent, diverse, disciples of Jesus in a church-centred and compassionate community.


SIM’s Core Values 核心价值观

We are a ‘Gospel community’ that is:

  1. Committed to Biblical Truth
    We are committed to biblical truth and joyfully affirm historic, evangelical Christianity. With courage, we declare to the nations the good news of new life in Jesus Christ.

  2. Dependent on God
    ‘By Prayer’ and in faith we depend on God for the provision of all our needs. We will demonstrate diligence, integrity, sharing, and accountability in cultivating and using the resources God provides.

  3. A People of Prayer
    Prayer is foundational in our life and ministry. ‘By Prayer’ we praise God, seek his direction, request resources, and call upon the Holy Spirit to empower our ministries.

  4. Mission-Focused
    We are committed to the urgent and unfinished task of making disciples of Jesus Christ in all nations. In doing this we desire to work in loving, trusting, interdependent relationships with churches and other partners who share our vision.

  5. Church-Centred
    We are committed to being a Mission that begins, nurtures, and equips churches to be the expression of Christ in their communities and to reach out with cross-cultural missionary vision and action.

  6. Concerned About Human Needs
    We humbly acknowledge that the ultimate human need is to know God. We also believe that he has called us to compassionate, holistic service in this broken world by alleviating suffering, fostering development, and effecting change in society.

  7. A Christlike Community
    We desire to be a transforming community dedicated to becoming like Christ in love, servanthood, holiness, and obedience to the Father. We believe that following Christ’s example means sacrifice, sometimes hardship, and perhaps even death.

  8. A Learning, Growing Community
    We believe in the worth and giftedness of each person in SIM and of those we seek to serve. We practise the giving and receiving of discipleship, life--long learning, consultative leadership, mutual development, and training as enduring disciplines.

  9. Strengthened Through Diversity
    We are intentionally interdenominational, international and multiethnic because we believe this expresses the unity of the body of Christ in the world. We believe we will be more effective in ministry as we incorporate the richness of cultural diversity in SIM and celebrate our oneness in Christ.

  10. Responsive to Our Times
    We will respond with creativity and courage to evolving needs and opportunities under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. To be effective and relevant, our ministries, priorities, and structures are subject to on--going evaluation and adaptation.


    1. 遵行圣经真理 


    2. 完全仰赖真神 

    我们『藉着祷告』并凭着信心,仰赖上帝为我们预备各种需要。 我们以勤劳、廉洁、分享,以及负责任的态度来开发和善用祂所赐的各种资源。  

    3. 成为祷告子民 


    4. 专注差传事工 


     5. 以教会为中心 


    6. 关顾世人需要 


    7. 学像基督样式 


    8. 终身学习与成长 


     9. 在差异中合一 

    我们是国际化、跨宗派的差会,由世界各地不同的办公室组成。我们结合各 SIM 不同而丰富的文化,追求主里合一,使事工更有果效。  

    10. 回应当下时代  
