About SIM
关于 SIM

SIM is an international mission organization with more than 2,000 active missionaries serving in over 70 countries. SIM members serve God among many diverse people groups in Asia, Africa, Middle East and South America.

SIM workers are international by definition, representing more than 70 nationalities — including nations that in the past only received missionaries. Today these ‘non-traditional’ sending countries are contributing greatly to the cause of world mission, including missionaries from Asia. SIM workers serve in all kinds of career fields and we are looking for people of any ethnicity and all skill sets, to take the gospel from everywhere to anywhere. 

SIM East Asia is a part of the SIM family and has more than 200 active missionaries from eight countries serving in over 20 countries worldwide. The SIM East Asia office is based in Singapore and comprises councils in Singapore, West Malaysia, East Malaysia and Brunei, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Japan, Philippines, Taiwan, North East India and a Creative Access Nation among Himalayas.

SIM 国际事工差会(Serving in Mission, 简称 SIM)是一个跨宗派的国际性差传机构,

SIM 东亚区属于 SIM 大家庭的一部分,
拥有来自东亚区八个国家超过 200 名在籍宣教士,目前正在超过二十个国家的宣教工场事奉。
SIM 东亚区办事处设在新加坡,负责整个东亚区区域的工作,


By SIM International Director

Our Vision and Purpose 异象与使命

  • Our vision is to see a witness to Christ’s love where He is least known, disciples of Jesus expressing God’s love in their communities, and Christ-centred churches among all peoples. By faith we see ...


    In the world
    * A vibrant testimony to the gospel through character, word and action among communities where currently Jesus is least known.
    * Followers of Jesus living out the gospel in unity and in the power of the Holy Spirit, making disciples who trust Him, obey him, and play a full part in church life.
    * Churches serving their communities and reaching out with the gospel locally and globally.


    • 藉着品格、言语、行为,在极少听闻福音的群体中,活泼积极地见证并传扬福音;

    • 耶稣的跟随者在圣灵的能力中,藉着合一活出福音生活,并且培育门徒信靠和顺服基督,参与教会生活;

    • 教会能在社区中尽心事奉神,在多元文化和多元区域中传扬福音。

    In SIM
    * A community growing in faith, in obedience to Jesus, and in ministry competence.
    ** Workers crossing barriers with the gospel, being and making disciples of Jesus, expressing His love and compassion.
    * Multi-ethnic and multi-skilled teams serving together in love and harmony.
    * Courageous leaders investing in the development of others for life transforming ministries.
    * Effective partnerships with Christ-centered churches and organizations facilitating the spread of the Gospel.

    在 SIM

    • 团队在信心、顺服和事工的能力上有所长进;

    • 工人跨越障碍传扬福音,并培育其他信徒成为耶稣的门徒,传扬神的慈爱和怜悯;

    • 多元民族和多样恩赐的团队在爱里和谐地一起事奉神;

    • 勇敢的领袖投入培育并激励其他信徒参与改变生命的事工;

    • 与众教会和众机构建立有效的伙伴关系,共同促进福音的传播。

    In eternity

    * The redeemed from all tribes, languages, peoples and nations worshiping the Living God.


    • 各族、各方、各民、各国中被救赎的人,一起敬拜复活的主。

  • Convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God’s good news, we believe that He has called us to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in communities where He is least known. Therefore, compelled by God’s great love and empowered by the Holy Spirit…


    ++ We cross barriers to proclaim the crucified and risen Christ, expressing His love and compassion among those who live and die without Him
    ++ We make disciples who will trust and obey Jesus, and become part of Christ-centered churches
    ++ We work together with churches to fulfil God’s mission across cultures locally and globally
    ++ We facilitate the participation in cross-cultural ministry of those whom God is calling

    ++ 我们跨越一切障碍宣扬基督的救恩,要在不认识祂的人群中彰显祂的慈爱和怜悯;
    ++ 我们培育忠诚和顺服的门徒,使他们成为以基督为中心教会的一份子;
    ++ 我们与教会共同努力,跨越文化和区域去完成神的使命;
    ++ 我们动员被神呼召的信徒,积极参与跨文化事工。

We are God-dependent, diverse, disciples of Jesus in a church-centred and compassionate community.


We are:
我们 :

  • Dependent on God 仰靠上帝

  • Diverse 多元团队

  • Disciples of Jesus who make disciples 成为门徒、建立门徒

  • Church-centred 以教会为中心

  • Compassionate 以关怀为重心

  • Community 以社群为一心