Our History 我们的历史

SIM has a rich history of founders who journeyed to difficult places to share the Gospel. Landing in Africa, Asia, and South America, these pioneers formed missions committed to reaching people who had never known the love of Christ. A union of several organizations founded over 100 years ago, SIM works today with the same passion as its founders.

          SIM 拥有丰富的历史。我们的多位创办人到多个非常困难的地方传扬福音,从非洲开始,一直到亚洲、南美洲。 在过去的一百多年里,数个福音差会合并成为了今日的 SIM 国际事工差会。 今日的 SIM 和当年的先锋们拥有一样的热忱,为要履行主耶稣基督托付的大使命。 

  • Mission in Africa 非洲的宣教事工

    The South African General Mission (SAGM) was founded by Martha Osborn, Spencer Walton, and Andrew Murray in 1889. Murray, a well-known author who founded a university and a seminary, always considered missions "the chief end of the church." After Martha Osborn married George Howe, they formed the South East Africa General Mission (SEAGM) in 1891. SAGM and SEAGM merged in 1894. Because their ministry had spread into other African countries, they changed their name to Africa Evangelical Fellowship (AEF) in 1965.

    Soudan Interior Mission (SIM) began in 1893. Canadians Walter Gowans, Roland Bingham, and American Thomas Kent had a vision to evangelize the 60 million unreached people of sub-Saharan Africa. Unable to interest established missions—most of which said reaching the Soudan was impossible—the three set out alone. Malaria overtook all three. Gowans and Kent died of the fever in 1894, and Bingham returned to Canada. On his second attempt, he caught malaria again and was forced to go back home. Unable to return to Africa, Bingham sent out a third team. They successfully established a base 500 miles inland at Patigi in 1902. From there, the work of SIM began in Africa.

    1889年,南非事工差会由奥玛沙、沃尔顿和慕安德烈联合创立。慕安德烈是一位著名作家,开办了大学和神学院,常常把宣教定为 “教会的终极目标”。

    奥玛莎与豪乔治结婚后,于1891年成立了东南非洲事工差会。1894年,他们的事工也在其他非洲国家同时进行,因此南非事工差会与东南非洲事工差会合并,並在 1965 年改名为非洲福音使团。

    1893年,苏丹内地会由加拿大人高文和宾罕,及美国人肯多马共同成立。他们同有一个异象,要向非洲撒哈拉南部六千万人传福音,但得不到其他差会的支持,因为大家一致认为到苏丹内地宣教是一个不可能的任务。因此,他们最终在没有差会的支持下单独出发。结果,三人先后染上疟疾,高文和肯多马在1894年病逝,宾罕则撤退回到加拿大治疗。在宾罕第二次前往苏丹时,又再次患上疟疾以致再度撤退。由于健康问题他无法再回到非洲,于是他组织并差派访宣队进入苏丹内地,最终在1902年成功在苏丹内地五百里之处的巴地基,设立了一个宣教站。从那时候开始, SIM 就启动了在非洲的宣教工作。 

  • Mission in Asia 亚洲的宣教事工

    In 1892, the Ceylon and India General Mission (CIGM) was founded. A year later, they began work among Ceylon's Singhalese Buddhists and Tamil Hindus. The mission founded by Scottish businessman Benjamin Davidson expanded from Ceylon into South India. Eventually CIGM's ministry reached across the subcontinent and to the Philippines.

    Also in 1893, Charles F. Reeve and E.W. McGavin left their homes in Australia for India. They were influenced by a Eurasian Christian who went to Australia in search of missionaries for his home area and by J. Hudson Taylor. Reeve and McGavin answered the challenge and set sail under the name Poona and Indian Village Mission (PIVM).

    In 1968, these two India/Asian organizations merged to become the International Christian Fellowship (ICF).




  • Mission in South America 南美洲的宣教事工

    In 1893 British Keswick evangelists visited South America and published a report called South America: The Neglected Continent. New Zealanders George Allen and Mary Stirling read it and felt God calling them. In 1907, they founded the Bolivian Indian Mission (BIM). The newly-weds sailed to Bolivia two years later to minister to the Quechua Indians. Allan's BIM grew in the years that followed to become the Andes Evangelical Mission (AEM) in 1965.

    1893年,英国凯瑟克布道家到南美洲并公布一份报告 “南美洲:被忽略的大陆!”。来自新西兰的艾乔治和斯特玛丽读到这份报告,觉得上帝在呼召他们。于是,1907年他们成立了玻利维亚印第安差会,坐船到玻利维亚。两年后向讲盖丘亚语的印第安人传福音。在1965,渐渐发展成为安底斯福音差会

  • Mission in Middle East 中东地区的宣教事工

    MECO (Middle East Christian Outreach) is a team of people who share God’s heart for the Middle East. Their service dates back to 1860. The Middle East has always played a crucial part in human history. Christianity spread from here to the world. While 90% of the population know little of Jesus as revealed in the Gospel, many are asking questions. This is a time of significant opportunity.


  • Serving in Mission Together 数差会合并成 SIM 国际事工差会 

    In the 1980s, AEM, ICF, and SIM joined forces to become SIM, which then stood for the "Society for International Ministries." AEF joined with SIM in 1998. In 2000, SIM adopted the trade name (or slogan) "Serving In Mission," for English-speaking countries, but our official name around the world today is simply SIM. In 2015, MECO joined SIM.

    1980年代,安底斯福音差会、国际基督徒团契与苏丹内地差会合并成为 SIM 国际事工差会。1998年非洲福音团契也加入 SIM。 2000年,SIM 的英文名称从 Sudan Interior Mission 改为 Serving in Mission。2015年,再有中东差传协会加入 SIM。

  • SIM East Asia - SIM 国际事工差会东亚区

    SIM East Asia was founded in 1980 in Singapore and its first missionaries were Singaporeans Dr Andrew and Belinda Ng. Originally under the governance of SIM Australia, SIM East Asia became an independent entity in 1992 and has seen marked growth since that time. From the humble beginnings with one family, SIM East Asia now has more than 180 missionaries from eight countries, serving in over 20 countries worldwide and is a growing contributor to world mission.

    SIM 国际事工差会东亚区于 1980 年在新加坡成立,差派的第一对宣教士夫妇是黄景青医生和林珍珠姐妹。当时 SIM 东亚区是附属於澳洲 SIM,后于 1992 年自立。东亚区办事处从那时候开始迅速成长,现已拥有来自八个不同国家和地区,超过 180 名隶属于东亚区的在籍宣教士,在超过20个国家和地区宣教并且影响显著。

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