How to Donate 奉献方法
(Only for Singapore 仅限新加坡)
UEN No. 198002683MSIM or scan QR Code
Please notify us via e-mail to with each gift. Please specify the purpose of your donation and include your name and mailing address where the official receipt will be sent to.
请发电邮至 说明您奉献的对象和目的。我们也会将正式收据邮寄给您,请提供您的名字和收件地址。
Electronic Transfer
Transfer electronically via (电子汇款或转账到以下账号):
DBS Bank Singapore
Account No: 025-011051-0
Beneficiary: SIM East Asia Ltd
Beneficiary Bank: DBS Bank
Bank Address: Block 101 #01-238 Towner Road Singapore 322101
Bank Code: 7171
Branch Code: 025
Swift Code: DBSSSGSG
If you use electronic transfer, please email a copy of the deposit notification to Please specify the purpose of your donation and include your name and mailing address where the official receipt will be sent to.
请将您的汇款通知书(或凭单)电邮给 ,并请说明您的奉献对象和目的。我们也会将正式收据邮寄给您,请提供您的名字和收件地址。
Address cheque to (支票抬头请写) :
SIM East Asia Ltd
On the back of cheque include (请在支票背面注明) :
Donor name and address (for receipt)
Missionary name OR Project name and number OR Admin and Support Services
宣教士名字 或 事工项目名称与编号 或 行政及支援服务费
Mail to (最后请将支票邮寄到):
SIM East Asia Ltd
Finance Dept
116 Lavender Street, #04-09 Pek Chuan Building, Singapore 338730.
Overall Ministry Cost 整体事工成本
About 55% of all the expenses are met through the generous donations of supporters and churches and other forms of income. The remaining 45% is contributed by missionaries as part of their support to SIM.
SIM 约 55% 的营运支持来自各支持者和教会的奉献及其他收入;45% 则是来自 SIM 各宣教士的事工费(作为其对差会的各种支援的支持)。