Selected SIM Projects 宣教项目
Dr Andrew Ng Global Mission Fund
“Remember the Past, Inspire the future”
“承先,启后 ”
Dr Andrew Ng and Belinda gave of themselves to serve in the Lord’s mission for over 40 years. With Africa in their hearts, the Ngs served in Galmi Hospital in Niger for 12 years - Andrew as a skilled surgeon and Belinda supporting Andrew and ministering to the women. Upon completion of their term in Africa, they returned to Singapore and continued serving as the Regional Director of SIM East Asia and, subsequently, as Deputy International Director for Asia Pacific, with Belinda supporting in the areas of Personnel and Member Care.
黄景青医生和太太林珍珠为主的大使命服事了 40 多年。他们心系非洲,在尼日尔的高尔美医院服事了 12 年,景青是一名经验丰富的外科医生,珍珠则作为景青的好帮手并在当地妇女和儿童中服事。在非洲的任期结束后,他们返回新加坡并担任 SIM 东亚区总主任,随后赴美担任 SIM 国际副总主任(亚太地区),珍珠则在人事和会员关顾领域服事。
Andrew was called home to be with the Lord on 7 January 2019. Inspired by his constant desire to seek out new frontiers to reach the least reached with the gospel, the Dr Andrew Ng Global Missions Fund was established (in partnership with Bartley Christian Church) to help fulfill God’s mission to redeem His people.
景青于 2019 年 1 月 7 日被主恩召,归回天家,与主同在。为了纪念他忠诚事主的一生,以及他对少闻福音的群体的异象,于是成立了此纪念基金(与他的差派教会 - 新加坡巴特利基督教会合作),借以帮助神的子民完成救赎使命。
We are very mindful of the Lord’s clarion call as given in Matthew 9:35-38. We invite you to:
1. Pray, for the billions who live and die without hearing God’s good news
2. Preach the Word, and proclaim the crucified and risen Christ - expressing His love and compassion among those who live and die without Him
3. Participate, by giving to the Fund directly (or including it in your Will) and crossing cultures to fulfill God’s mission locally and globally
有鉴于神在马太福音 9:35-38 中的呼声,我们邀请您:
3。参与:实际的奉献支持 或在您的遗嘱中奉献一部分给此基金,共同在全球完成神的大使命!
欢迎下载阅读黄景青医生之自传 - 不被遗忘(简体中文版)
A South Asian country Mobilization and Field Development
A South Asian Diaspora Ministry
Pastoral e-Book set
This project aims to provide excellent and easily accessible resources to pastors, church planters, missionaries, evangelists, youth pastors, Sunday School superintendents and church leaders from countries with limited or no access to the internet.The intent is to equip users with the needed resources for an effective teaching and preaching ministry.
Many Chinese and Indonesian speaking pastors serving in remote regions lack good resources for their ministries and teachings. Pray that the Lord will provide for the purchase and distribution of 1000 sets of tablets (with biblical resources embedded) and also for the training on the use of the equipment and needed resources for an effective teaching and preaching ministry.
We hope to see :
* 1,000 churches being grounded in sound teaching as a result of the biblical resources provided
* those who have doubts concerning the Christian faith having their questions answered
* believers being able to discern truth from false teachings
* believers encouraged to reach out to their communities : family members, close relatives, neighbours and friends.我们希望:
* 至少一千所教会能藉着这个项目的资源,得以提供健全的真理教导
* 能正确回答那些对基督教信仰有疑问的人的问题
* 信徒能分辨真理与异端及假教师
* 信徒得以有信心在他们的生活圈分享正确的福音(如家庭成员、亲戚、邻居和朋友等)Project commenced: October 2015
For more information, please contact us at Please use the project number and name when communicating with us about this.
如欲了解更多详情,请注明此项目之名称与编号,电邮至 。
SIM Chinese Diaspora Ministry
In 2008, SIM East Asia, in view of the importance of preaching to Chinese diaspora and the urgency of mobilizing overseas Chinese Christians to devote themselves to missions, established the SIM Chinese Diaspora Ministry (SCDM).
2008年,SIM 有鉴于向海外华人布道的重要性,以及动员海外华人基督徒献身宣教的急迫性,于是成立了海外华人事工(SIM Chinese Diaspora Ministry,简称 SCDM)。
As the saying goes, where the sun shines, there are Chinese. Especially after the 1980s, mainland China restarted a large-scale overseas immigration wave, and it is conservatively estimated that it has reached 60 million in 2020.
Our Vision
*Where there is a Chinese restaurant, there will be a Chinese church.
*Where there are missionaries serving, there will also be Chinese missionaries serving together.
SCDM currently has many serving opportunities in Africa, Asia, and Central Asia, including South Africa, Zambia, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Japan, Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand and etc.
Contact us:
Money to support a project(给指定事工项目的奉献)
The total amount less 11% will be channeled to the project. It is SIM policy that the receiving office receives a fee for administering the cross-border transfer of Project funds.
按照 SIM 政策的规定,我们会扣除此项指定奉献总金额的百分之十一,用于处理该事工项目之跨境行政服务费。