Steadfast in Being Sensitive
Tijin and Merin, Ghana
Evening classes in the village
As we completed our two and a half years in Ghana, we learned that when we commit ourselves to serve God wholeheartedly, things need not necessarily work as we plan. Yes, when nothing went as we planned, initially we were discouraged. But as we looked back and viewed our journey, we could confidently say that God had done everything for our good (Romans 8:28).
Our plan initially was to train local church members to start kids’ clubs in their houses or compounds to reach out to children. We prepared stories explaining the continuous, unbroken thread of the Gospel from Genesis to Jesus, to train believers. That training would have lasted for fourteen classes. Our desire was that at least some would commit themselves to start kids’ clubs. But after completing training in three churches, we did not receive a positive response. Churches were not interested in that training because fourteen classes were too long. Based on that feedback and God’s prompting, we reduced it to five classes. Even though we did not get anyone to start a kids club, we couldsee that the believers were coming to a fuller understanding of the Gospel and their lives were being transformed. As we continued with the five classes in other churches one thing God brought to our notice was that even though the church members were professing Christians, they had no understanding of the Gospel. But our five classes helped them to understand the true Gospel and that was the real need of the church.
After completing the classes in the churches in Tumu, we shifted our focus on villages. Our five introductory classes helped the people in the villages too, to understand the Gospel. Many accepted Jesus as their personal Saviour, not because they received healing or witnessed a miracle or were persuaded by cunning speech (Romans 16:17-18), but by knowing from God’s Word that Jesus is the only way to heaven.
Later when we looked back, we understood why God had changed our plans. It was to prepare us to teach the true Gospel in those villages. The key lesson for us was that we need not get discouraged when things do not go as we plan, but to know that God is in control, and he would turn everything for our good.
“What God requires from us is to remain committed to His work and to be sensitive to His leading in His mission.”