Give 奉献
Your financial support enables us to mobilise, recruit and send out ministry teams to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in communities where He is least known.
You can make a difference
As stewards of God’s resources, we will carefully and ethically handle the gifts entrusted to us by maintaining appropriate systems of accountability and transparency. Our accounts are audited by external and SIM International auditors.
作为上帝的管家,我们谨慎并合理地使用您的奉献,我们也致力于保持良好的问责系统并财务透明化。我们的帐目是由合格的审计师及 SIM 国际办事处的审计师审查。
Your gift will go towards supporting 您可以奉献给 :
individual missionaries 指名宣教士
projects 事工项目
Administration/Support Services 行政及支援服务
How to Donate 奉献方法
Cheque 开立支票
Electronic Bank Transfer 电子汇款或转账
PayNow 电子钱包(仅限新加坡)
These gifts will be used primarily to meet the operational needs of the office, broadly classified into two categories:
manpower cost and administration
人力资源成本和行政管理promotion and development
To Individual Missionaries 指名宣教士
These funds are channeled to the specified missionary, apportioned to 3 different accounts:
Personal support/allowances 其支持费或津贴
Ministry expenses 其事工日常经费
Gifts for personal use only 其个人所需之生活费
SIM Projects 事工项目
The total amount less 11% (admin fees for cross-border transfer of funds) will be channeled to stipulated project.
按 SIM 的政策,我们将扣除此奉献总金额的11%,用于各种服务支援,如跨境行政服务费。