Go 去传

Convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God’s good news.



Prayer Support 代祷

SIM’s motto is “By Prayer”. With your prayer support, our ministries will grow from strength to strength.



Give 奉献

God’s Work, Done God’s Way, Will Never Lack God’s Supply, through supporters like yourself.


Serve with Us 与我们同工

You do not need to be a missionary to serve in SIM. God has given us different gifts that can be used to support the missionaries,
the ministries, and the admin work that needs to be carried out to fulfil God’s mission through SIM.
你无须成为宣教士也可以在 SIM 服事。
上帝赐给我们不同的恩赐,可以支援前方的宣教士和事工,并后方的行政工作,共同在 SIM 履行上帝的大使命。